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Welcome Writer! You're in the Right Place

About our Group

Southwest Florida Fiction Writers brings together creatives across fiction genres including romance, fantasy & futuristic, historical, mystery & suspense, and your favorite genre. Our membership includes writers of all levels, from those working on their first manuscript to award-winning authors. The group is committed to promoting excellence through monthly meetings, workshops, publicity opportunities and networking.


Is Southwest Florida Fiction Writers affiliated with other groups?

While formerly the Southwest Florida Romance Writers (SWFRW), Southwest Florida Fiction Writers is no longer a chapter of, nor affiliated with, Romance Writers of America (RWA) or any other organization. No other membership is required to join our group. 

Do I have to reside in Southwest Florida to be a member?

No. The Southwest Florida Fiction Writers group is locally based but available to virtual members wherever they may reside. Monthly workshops will be held both in-person on occasion and always on Zoom as well. Email communication will be provided to all members to network with one another. 

Do I have to be published?

No, we are open to all fiction writers. However, the group is aimed at those with serious intent. Our meetings and workshops address publishing and marketing issues as well as craft and the writing life.

Do I have to write fiction? 

Yes! Our group and sessions will be focused on fiction writing only. 

How much is it to be a member?

$40 in annual dues are due each January, regardless of your join date. Guests can attend one meeting for free. 

Do I have to be a member to attend meetings?

Yes, but interested guests can attend one meeting for free to get a feel for the group. Please email us your interest and we can arrange temporary access. 

© 2023 by Florida Fiction Writers Group

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